Getting your body into a routine

Posted by Cathy Dickerson

I find my body loves to be in a routine from waking up and having breakfast at a particular time, going to the gym at a set time or having my protein shake after. The more we do it the more we will want to do it.

‘Consistency is the key to success’  is one of my favourite sayings because it sums up the most common mistake I see people make when expecting results. You must stick to your training and diet consistently to gain the results you want.

It’s all about getting our bodies into a healthy routine..... not something we have to do, but something we just do as a matter of course.  It’s widely thought that it takes around 3-4 weeks to form a habit or a steady routine, so it's crucial to stick it out until it becomes second nature. It’s not easy and it takes a lot of discipline, courage and hard work on a daily basis, but at the end the results will speak for themselves.