
Even in Winter dont forget your Abs!!!

Abdominals..... Everyone wants them in the summer and most of us hide them in the winter.  How often do you hear people start talking about getting those lean cut abs just before the summer months?  This is one mistake a lot of people make when coming to train abdominals and core.  Over any period of training I would recommend keeping them in mind.  During any bulking cycle, or off season, I always train them to make sure that when I do cut they haven't been neglected.  As I start to trim fat towards summer time I increase the amount of times I train my abdominals from 1 session to 2 sessions, a weighted session to a cardio abs session. Check out my Weighted Abs Plan and my Cardio Abs Plan.  One of the main things to consider when looking to get those abs popping is that they are just a muscle like any other and will be stimulated by training them in different ways.  Of course the diet will be the key to really getting the lean aesthetic physique.
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Abdominals..... Everyone wants them in the summer and most of us hide them in the winter.  How often do you hear people start talking about getting those lean cut abs just before the summer months?  This is one mistake a lot of people make when coming to train abdominals and core.  Over any period of training I would recommend keeping them in mind.  During any bulking cycle, or off season, I always train them to make sure that when I do cut they haven't been neglected.  As I start to trim fat towards summer time I increase the amount of times I train my abdominals from 1 session to 2 sessions, a weighted session to a cardio abs session. Check out my Weighted Abs Plan and my Cardio Abs Plan.  One of the main things to consider when looking to get those abs popping is that they are just a muscle like any other and will be stimulated by training them in different ways.  Of course the diet will be the key to really getting the lean aesthetic physique.
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Give your muscles what they need

Making sure you give your muscles what they need at the right time is crucial. Too often I see and hear people putting in such hard work in the gym to only go and waste it in the kitchen. The food you eat should always fit the type of training you are doing. This will help you get the results you deserve for your hard work. Of course you need to be able to relax and you can’t expect to eat completely healthy every meal everyday. I always allow myself to still enjoy good foods throughout any diet but everything always in moderation. Contact me for help with your diet, or start off by using my Carb Cycle diet plan.
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Making sure you give your muscles what they need at the right time is crucial. Too often I see and hear people putting in such hard work in the gym to only go and waste it in the kitchen. The food you eat should always fit the type of training you are doing. This will help you get the results you deserve for your hard work. Of course you need to be able to relax and you can’t expect to eat completely healthy every meal everyday. I always allow myself to still enjoy good foods throughout any diet but everything always in moderation. Contact me for help with your diet, or start off by using my Carb Cycle diet plan.
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I got results faster with these 3 tips!

A structured training and diet plan that you follow consistently is one of the top tips that got me results. Without this you are already unprepared. In the early days I would just go to the gym with a muscle group in mind and make it up as I went, then returning home just to eat whatever was in the fridge.  I soon changed this and my physique soon changed too. 

Even with a training plan you can still end up slowing progress with a common mistake that I still make. How many times have you repeated a workout you have done before and picked up the same weight you always lift?  This is a good example of training the same and if you do this you can expect to stay the same. Put your body under new stresses and you will gain new results.Always look to progress with weights, reps, sets, tempos and exercises.  

Low motivation will always lead to slow progress. Always go out there and look to make the most of a session in the gym. There is no point making the effort to go to the gym only then to give 50%.Every time you go in the gym you should look to make it count, giving everything you have into every rep.  

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A structured training and diet plan that you follow consistently is one of the top tips that got me results. Without this you are already unprepared. In the early days I would just go to the gym with a muscle group in mind and make it up as I went, then returning home just to eat whatever was in the fridge.  I soon changed this and my physique soon changed too. 

Even with a training plan you can still end up slowing progress with a common mistake that I still make. How many times have you repeated a workout you have done before and picked up the same weight you always lift?  This is a good example of training the same and if you do this you can expect to stay the same. Put your body under new stresses and you will gain new results.Always look to progress with weights, reps, sets, tempos and exercises.  

Low motivation will always lead to slow progress. Always go out there and look to make the most of a session in the gym. There is no point making the effort to go to the gym only then to give 50%.Every time you go in the gym you should look to make it count, giving everything you have into every rep.  

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Getting that aesthetic physique you want

The first thing that comes to mind when getting lean is usually food.  I find it’s the most common mistake people make when trying to shred, too many times people spend far too long on finding what works in the gym when they should be focusing a lot more on what works for them in the kitchen.  
People ask me what the best things are to eat and I always promote the concept of keeping it simple.  With every type of training a consistent healthy diet plays a big part especially when trying to burn off that last little bit of fat on the lower abdominals.  Of course training is still highly important, but as everyone should know diet is around 70% and training is about 30% of the final outcome.
As I have gone through the bulking to shredding phase a few times, each time I have found better ways of maintaining muscle while losing body fat.  Contact me for tips …
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The first thing that comes to mind when getting lean is usually food.  I find it’s the most common mistake people make when trying to shred, too many times people spend far too long on finding what works in the gym when they should be focusing a lot more on what works for them in the kitchen.  
People ask me what the best things are to eat and I always promote the concept of keeping it simple.  With every type of training a consistent healthy diet plays a big part especially when trying to burn off that last little bit of fat on the lower abdominals.  Of course training is still highly important, but as everyone should know diet is around 70% and training is about 30% of the final outcome.
As I have gone through the bulking to shredding phase a few times, each time I have found better ways of maintaining muscle while losing body fat.  Contact me for tips …
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